Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This Week's Featured Reader Response from Tara Hitzig of Los Angeles

Thank you, Tara, for this inspiring response to Inertia the novel:

"Fear is like the darkness in the middle of the forest, blinding to the eyes. Your book has helped to open my eyes and what it spoke to me is this: 

I am so much happier to have loved, to have tried, to have witnessed, to have continued to "be and do" and to have experienced loss than to never have had those experiences in the first place. I believe that every experience I have had has given me reason to be here, to live each moment and to love with abandon. To love madly, blindly, insanely. I believe that there are those people who come in to your life, give you something, and then leave. Some stay with you for all your time, some stay only for a short time, but they all offer you something. And it is our duty, our work, to find out what they gave and to piece it together to reveal the beauty of this life. 

Yes, angels have come in to my life, are currently in my life, and have guided me and helped me to this place I am now. Without them, I don't think I would have truly made it through and still seen the beauty and for that, I am blessed they have come at all. 

Thank you for your words. Thank you for putting them down and allowing others to share in them. Thank you for being in my life and offering your self to all those fortunate to read this inspiring novel."  --Tara Hitzig, Los Angeles

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