On the day of my 39th birthday...'thirty-something' for one more year. Today, I occupy the toasty, oat-colored band of a striated landscape: sand, whitewater gently lapping, turquoise then azul, black lava rock, deep greenery, then pale blue, punctuated by wispy cloud. It is one of the many varieties of paradise that I have known.
The sun is high and reminds me of the abundance that blooms in my life, as I open myself to it. There is peace, after all, and the kind of love I always believed in but seemed to misplace during those whirling, fragmented years. I am filled with gratitude for what can grow, even out of such a fallow time. For the many-petaled love that lives me.
The gifts keep coming, as if in answer to my faith. Oh, I waited for this. I prayed. At last, the gods heard me. Time remembered me to myself. Karma delivered. For what is all this but perfect intention made manifest...every obstacle removed. Beauty of creation, dawn of sweetest surrender. I let go, I let grow, I make permeable the thin membrane that separates me from the all.
It is bliss, it is this, it is the real and the super-real--synchronized by my longing. "What you long for also longs for you." Indeed, and we have found each other at last.
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