Friday, February 25, 2011

Some stray thoughts as Inertia comes to fruition...

I am wriggling my way in through the small opening of a balloon, only inside it is infinite. In the last few days I have become aware of the imminence of vast change but not yet witnessed its manifestation. I have made my way inside, the dust of my dreaming still coating my skin, and I can see everything now, though some of it is still animated by my imagination. I catch my breath again and fall into the lap of my own faith, so generous it has been in raveling out these many moons, these fragmentary hours. This kaleidoscopic beauty--It is mine, it is mine, I whisper to no one in particular and know, without speaking it, that it always was.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Inertia Installment #6: Angela

Aloha! Please enjoy this next little chunk of my novel Inertia.  Also, mark your calendars with the April 18th Internet release date....and for April 16th if you're in New England for the reading/signing at the Northshire Bookstore in Manchester, Vermont, followed by the Inertia Launch Party hosted by Smaranda at Sugar & Spice in Stratton Village! Hope to see you all there!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Inertia Installment #5

Welcome to the 5th weekly installment of Inertia the novel. Angela continues her narration here (click on the text below for easier viewing, if you like). Remember to mark Inertia's Amazon release date on your calendar: April 18th, 2011. Enjoy, and see you next week!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Inertia Installment #4: Angela

Here is the 4th installment of Inertia the novel, promoting its release on April 18th, 2011. These are the next two paragraphs of Chapter 1, and Angela is speaking. Click the text below for easier viewing, if you like. Enjoy!